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Top Five Omni-channel Retail Trends in India

Omni-channel is the new buzzword in the retail world - like eCommerce was a few years ago, and to a certain extent, Big Data was maybe a year ago. While eCommerce has already demonstrated its might, Big Data is starting to catch up, omni-channel remains largely uncomprehended by the retail industry in India. Having said that, it's likely to pick up pace rapidly and we foresee omni-channel retail trends like Mobility, Beacons, Personalization, Physical Stores, Fulfilment & Big Data (yes, another buzzword) changing the face of retail in India - yet again.

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Five Important eCommerce Trends to Watch for in 2016

It’s that time of the year when you take an account of the year gone by and make plans for the year ahead. That’s right. With already a month into the New Year, most of your business plans for 2016 might be ready keeping in mind what you were to able to accomplish in the past year. For some, 2016 may be just another year, but if you are in the eCommerce industry – things might get a little exciting this year. For you to make the most out of this year, we’ve listed down 5 important eCommerce trends to watch out for in 2016.

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Bounce rate: Is it costing you more than you think?

Break through the jumble of web space and get your website noticed! Bounce rate is a term that’s synonymous with e-commerce websites. It is used to calculate the number of customers who enter the site and leave without viewing other pages. If your website has a high bounce rate, chances are the posts are too much of a rant or the pop-up windows are too many. You need to create unique content and use professional quality pictures to get higher traffic. Here are some factors you need to look into to make your website stand-out from the clutter that’s already present.

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How to Engage Buyers on a Furniture Website?

Bounce rate on FurnitureSo, you have a brick and mortar furniture store and want to go online with your own website? Are you clear on how to start or find the best possible way to go about it? Don’t worry you’re at the right place! Iksula is here to help you. Iksula has colossal experience in creating, designing and building product content for furniture websites having worked for Internet Retailers like Wayfair, Cymax and Bed Bath and Beyond in this domain. The market for online furniture purchase is huge so you better start with it now or else you’ll be late! So don’t lose your dollars while thinking where to start from! We have a great start for you. The first and foremost part while designing a homepage is to welcome your customers through a vibrant, uncluttered home. For customers, your homepage acts as a great snapshot of your products. So, you have to make it more attractive to get attention. Isn’t furniture a long-lasting investment? Make sure your website has uniqueness and does not look like any other website. The website is an identification mark of your brand, giving customers all the information they require at one place.

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Drupal 8 New: A Drupaler’s View

Drupal an Open-Source Community supported, Content Management System is currently maintained and developed by 6,30,000+ developers and users all over the globe. With huge amount of coverage on all possible aspects of Drupal, the Drupal’s Documentation team is providing great learning & right direction for people aspiring to gain an understanding on Drupal.

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Top 5 Tips for your SEO Strategy to be Mobile Ready

It is hard to imagine going about your daily routine without a mobile phone today. From calls to messages, mails to entertainment and a lot more, smartphones, in particular have become the norm among people all over the world. A large percent of shopping searches and purchases are carried out on smartphones as well. This is one of the main reasons that more and more businesses are looking to cater to the smartphone using population. 

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Incredible India’s E-tail & eCommerce Industry

India’s E-tail & eCommerce Industry Over the last few years, the Indian e-Commerce industry has witnessed a substantial growth due to the numerous business models that have cropped up. E-Commerce and the sub-set retail e-Commerce is still in its nascent stage even though it has witnessed of lot of new players of late. Recently, a lot of consumers are acquainted with the concept of online shopping, and the convenient payment options offered by companies.

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10 Tips to Drive Sales on Your Website

Has traffic to your website dropped steadily and in a way you cannot understand? Could you drill down and discover why your bottom line and conversions are being hit? If your website is not cut out for the fierce competition on the digital landscape you’ve eased yourself out of business. In today’s world without borders,…

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Maintaining Optimum Data Quality

Maintaining Optimum Data QualityCost plays a major role in the success and failure of any company. However, cost is not the only contributing factor that helps in the growth of an organisation. Today, there is lot of competition in the market and companies are striving to make their niche to stay on the forefront of this competition. For this, many companies have entered outsourcing markets with multiple vendors. This enables organisations to set-up seamless delivery processes and a higher ROI. Companies follow a full spectrum of evaluations to identify gaps in their business process. Improper understanding of these shortcomings may influence business decisions which in turn might negatively affect the company’s performance

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Magento-Oracle Architecture Decoded

magentoWhy is Magento Oracle Integration Required?

Magento is the world’s fastest-growing open Source eCommerce platform. In addition to being one of the first-movers to adopt this versatile solution, we are one of the first Implementation partners of Magento.

Oracle is widely used in all major store by the big merchants. Oracle Database provides data consistency across all platforms; and these database can be built according to client’s requirements. Oracle database offers flexible architecture for maximum versatility and performance.

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Why is Drupal Commerce a Great e-Commerce Platform?


  • Drupal Commerce is used to build e-Commerce Websites & Applications of all sizes & variations
  • Flexibility is one of the Drupal Commerce forte
  • Unlike the other e-Commerce solutions developed with an Application Development mentality; Drupal Commerce does not follow this static approach and rather provides a Framework based approach which is flexible enough for customization & hence highly adaptable for all sorts of business model

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Mobile Optimization: A Boon or Bane?

mobilityHave you'll heard of the phrase 'you can like me, you can hate me, but you cannot ignore me.' Well this definitely holds true for mobile optimization. Whether you think of it as a fruitful upgrade or an unnecessary spend, mobile optimization has become a must.

In a research conducted by Silverpop, worldwide tablet shipments are estimated to grow 70% in 2014 and increase by over 300% over  a five year time from 2012 to 2017. Mobile phones will show nice 80% growth over the same five years and smartphones will capture a greater share of the market. PC shipments are forecasted to decline by 20% over five years.

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