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Designing Ecommerce Strategy

 ORRA CONSULTING   Typical Consumer ChallengesLack of clarity on Market focus  Gaps in Competitive positioning  Business model uncertainty  Gaps in operations planning Lack of technology capability   For a Jewelry Brand, Iksula engagement comprised:    Competitive benchmarking against 3 direct and 1 global competitor Product assortment & pricing analysis & recommendations Growth roadmap for…

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Strategic Sourcing Partnerships

One of the leading global marketplaces Strong partnership for over 7 years Iksula has been engaged with this customer for over 7 years across various tracks. The main challenges we have aimed to address are providing better seller management and creating a seamless crossborder shipping application for sellers. To address these challenges, Iksula has offered…

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Digital Asset Management Solution by Iksula

Enhancing Product Information Management  for business users and partners   The customer faced a multitude of challenges with managing their product information across various teams. Iksula built a DAM and a catalog app for better management & sharing of product and brand assets. About the Customer The customer is a leading company in the refrigeration…

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D2C Channel Management & Operational Excellence

US-based top manufacturer of Audio Products Acing the game of D2C with seamless channel management and operational excellence    The customer faced hindrances in their ability to focus on marketing and expansion due to everyday operations and poor customer service. Iksula helped them in  providing consulting, marketplace management and operational support services for their captive…

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