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How India-based GCCs are creating capabilities for global organizations

eCommerce has become an indispensable part of our lives, revolutionizing how we shop and do business. Powering a large part of the seamless experiences and cutting-edge innovations of global eCommerce giants are India-based Global Capability Centers (GCCs). These centers, established by global businesses to leverage India’s engineering talent and scale, are instrumental in creating capabilities that drive success, growth, and customer satisfaction on a global scale. In this blog, we will cover a few examples of how India-based GCCs have helped their global parent companies drive transformation and innovation at scale.

What are India-based GCCs really good at?

Building scale

India has emerged as a preferred destination for setting up GCCs owing to its abundant pool of skilled talent, cost-effectiveness, and favorable business environment. Global organizations recognize India’s immense innovation, technology expertise, and scalability potential.

Customer centricity

A critical aspect that sets India-based GCCs apart is their unwavering focus on creating customer-centric solutions. They analyze customer behavior, preferences, and pain points to tailor products and services that meet the exact needs of the target audience.

Customer experience, personalization & localization

To enrich the customer experience, India-based GCCs are leveraging technologies like augmented reality and virtual try-ons. These innovations allow customers to virtually try products before purchasing, significantly reducing the chances of returns and enhancing customer satisfaction. eCommerce businesses must often adapt their offerings to different regions and cultures. India-based GCCs excel in localizing products, content, and marketing strategies, enabling seamless global expansion.

Analytics & AI

Harnessing the power of data analytics and artificial intelligence, India-based GCCs provide valuable insights into customer trends, demand forecasting, and personalized recommendations. These data-driven strategies empower eCommerce businesses to make informed decisions and optimize operations.


With the rise in cyber threats, ensuring the security and privacy of customer data is paramount for eCommerce businesses. India-based GCCs proactively develop robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive information and build customer trust.

Agile development and output quality

India-based GCCs are known for their agile development methodologies, enabling faster turnaround times and rapid prototyping. This approach accelerates product launches, enabling eCommerce companies to stay ahead in a fiercely competitive market.
India-based GCCs offer significant cost advantages without compromising quality. Streamlining processes and optimizing resources help eCommerce businesses achieve operational excellence and cost efficiency.

Now, let us look at some leading examples where GCCs have delivered significant value for their global parent company.

  1. One of the earlier retailers to set up an India center, Target has significantly benefited from its capabilities. Some key examples include

    a) Development of 3D Shoppable rooms, where customers can virtually explore and visualize products, making online shopping more interactive and engaging

    b) Improving search relevance for customers, that ensure better discovery and higher satisfaction rates for customer journeys

    c) Development of Guest Order Management system, that drives the 2-day delivery promise

  2. Walmart Global Tech India: Walmart Global Tech India is a trailblazer in AI/ML and data science, with innovations like innovative substitution ML models ensuring higher customer satisfaction by offering the best possible substitutes for out-of-stock products. Their voice commerce team’s smart conversational agent has increased the successful automation of customer contacts by 15%, enhancing customer support.

  3. Falabella India: Falabella’s GCC in India serves as a strategic platform driving digital ecosystem building for the group, leveraging unmatched physical assets. Combining top talent and technology consultants, the hybrid model has elevated technology capabilities and maturity across their digital platform. Partnering with start-ups through their accelerator program, Falabella Exceed further fuels innovation.

  4. Lowe’s India:  Lowe’s India GCC has developed significant capabilities to support the ambitions of its parent. Some key successes include

    a) Supporting the implementation of the Total Home Strategy, by creating a complete Omnichannel experience for shoppers

    b) Development and rollout of Retail Media Sales and Marketing services on the main website

    c) Delivering the Pro Rewards Loyalty program for Pro customers, driving higher engagement and LTV


These GCCs create transformative customer experiences worldwide through groundbreaking solutions and seamless collaboration. As technology continues to evolve, its contributions are bound to shape the future of eCommerce and beyond. India-based GCCs have emerged as game-changers in global eCommerce. They have become crucial pillars for international organizations, driving innovation, efficiency, and customer-centricity. As they continue to evolve and embrace emerging technologies, India-based GCCs will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of eCommerce, unlocking new possibilities for businesses and customers alike.


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