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Why is Drupal Commerce a Great e-Commerce Platform?


  • Drupal Commerce is used to build e-Commerce Websites & Applications of all sizes & variations
  • Flexibility is one of the Drupal Commerce forte
  • Unlike the other e-Commerce solutions developed with an Application Development mentality; Drupal Commerce does not follow this static approach and rather provides a Framework based approach which is flexible enough for customization & hence highly adaptable for all sorts of business model

The Modules of Drupal Commerce:

The modules of Drupal commerce are broadly listed under categories:

  1. Integration (CRM / ERP)
  2. Internationalization & Localization
  3. Order Management
  4. Migration Tools
  5. Performance
  6. Search & Filter
  7. Multichannel
  8. Price & Discount
  9. Shipping & Fulfilment
  10. Product Customization
  11. Customer Service
  12. Marketing 
  13. Utility & Tools

1. Integration ERP / CRM:

  • The major two modules that play role in Drupal commerce while Integration with ERP / CRM are Commerce Feeds Multi-type & Commerce Stock.
  • Commerce Feeds Multi-type provides an additional Feeds processor which will create different types of product & handle its detailed complexity easily.
  • Commerce Stock provides stock management for Drupal powered commerce stores which follows a simple & robust approach for controlling.

2. Internationalization / Localization:

This category basically supports multiple currency & localization for varied country base.
It consists of three Modules viz: Commerce Australia, Commerce Multi-Currency, Commerce European Union VAT

3. Order Management System:

This category basically deals with Order & perform operations related to the same, designed as highly robust & highly flexible modules
The module consists five modules Commerce Order Confirm, Commerce Custom Order Status, Commerce Order Types, Commerce Re-Order, Commerce Billy

4. Migration Tools:

  • This category basically deals with migration related tasks with help of the module called as Commerce Migrate UberCart
  • This module facilitates Product Image Migration, each product type gets its own migration for Orders (and Line Items) that come through

5. Performance:

  • This category basically deals with all the performance measurement related requirements & tasks
  • It consists of two major modules called yottaa & Entity Cache for Drupal Commerce facilitating improved conversion rates & website performance & also facilitates caching capabilities

6. Search & Filter:

  • This category consists of a module known as Commerce Search API which facilitates Commerce Specific Search, Auto-generated Search Index that will include product related types & product related data
  • Provides Search filters for product display, removal of facets items that do not change search resultsdrupal

7. Multichannel:

  • This category basically consists of four modules which facilitates multiple internet marketing channels
  • Modules viz Drupal for Facebook, Facebook OAuth, Share this Social Bookmarking, Service Links.
  • They facilitate us to exploit the social media platform for online marketing

8. Price & Discount:

  • This category consists of Ten modules viz: Commerce Extra Price Formatters, Commerce Credits, Commerce Coupon, Commerce Price Table, Commerce Currency Settings, Commerce Discount, Commerce Discount, Commerce Donate, Commerce Coupon Percentage, Commerce Price Savings Formatter, Commerce Price History
  • They facilitate us with to take control over the way you ask your customer for money, allowing customers to buy & win credits, Offers coupons to our customers, Facilitates Bulk Pricing, Capability formatting for existing currency definitions, manage discounts & promotions swiftly, facilitates percentage amount coupons, display amount of saving when discount is applied, track & display price changes

9. Shipping & Fulfilment:

  • This category majorly deals with Logistics & its operations related to a particular order with the help of four modules viz: Physical Fields, Commerce Delivery, Commerce Shipping, Commerce Shipping, Commerce Flat Rate 
  • It facilitates addition of attributes such as weight & size to your products, provide basic functionalities & admin pages to handle deliveries, manage shipping rates for site’s products, manage flat rate shipping for customer

10. Product Customization:

  • This category basically deals with further customization facility for products boosting the business with help of modules viz: Commerce File, Commerce Moodle Integration, Commerce Product Popularity, Commerce Fancy Attributes, Commerce Auction, Commerce Customizable Products, Commerce Physical Product, Commerce AutoSKU
  • It enables us to sell file access, sell Moodle courses through Drupal, Used to determine popular products & recommend them to customers, manage multiple product attributes to simply your customer purchases, Allowing customers to bid on products, facility to configure & customize products, Manage products, Generation of SKU’s based on custom fields

11. Marketing Service:

  • This category focuses on e-Mail Marketing capabilities via Drupal commerce with help of two modules Commerce MailChimp, MailChimp
  • Commerce MailChimp basically combines Drupal Commerce with MailChimp’s E-Commerce 360 feature for tracking store statistics for email campaigns sent via MailChimp
  • While MailChimp allows to send a better mail, display history of any email address in Drupal, Lists entities in Drupal connected directly to lists in MailChimp, relate campaigns containing any Drupal entity as content

12. Customer Service:

  • This category basically deals with the Customer Service facility provided through a module Commerce Dunning
  • Commerce is dunning is automated process that’s kicked off when a charge attempt of recurring order fails which involves periodic customer communications & payments

13. Utility & Tools:

  • This category consists of Modules viz: Extractor, Commerce Feeds, Commerce Product key, Commerce Auto Product Display, Commerce Bulk Product Creation, Inline Entity Form, Commerce Message Color Field, Field Collection, Commerce Back Office, Views Secondary Row, Commerce Message, Views Data Export, Commerce Coffee, Services Views 
  • Modules facilitates us with Multiple tools for Sales Tax Calculation, product creation and display at same time, providing commerce specific messaging module integration etc.


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