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Digital Asset Management for Retailers & Brands – Capabilities & Benefits

Digital asset management (DAM) is an effective solution for enterprises (retailers, brands, etc.) to store, organize, find, retrieve and share digital files. Maintaining consistency across multiple channels is always an issue that Brands and retailers face. DAM is a simple and easy solution to this problem. DAMs are quick to deploy and easy-to-use. It provides a centralized digital library to peers, employees, clients, contractors and any other key stakeholders, a controlled access to digital assets — including images, photos, creative files, video, audio, presentations, documents and more. Marketplace users can download the content and Images manually by signing in or with API integrations. This will boost collaboration by providing teams with a central hub to review, manage and share assets.


  • DAM systems ingest assets individually or in mass sets, and allow for the manipulation of those assets and their metadata individually or with mass actions. This is accomplished in part by assigning a unique identifier to each asset on ingest.
  • Version Control :- DAM systems relate assets by tracking the relationships between and among an original asset and versions/variants of the original. Versioning and version control tools are central to an asset’s life in a DAM system.
  • Ability to handle different file types, especially images, audio/video and documents
  • Administrative capabilities and multiple user types
  • Sharing of assets (API’s)
  • Batch actions on groups of assets (like downloading, modifying metadata etc)
  • Advanced search


  • Organization and Storage :-  With a DAM system, teams can have simple and secure access to this content. Creative teams can upload and store files directly from their design apps, then share those files with partners and employees.
  • Flexible Data Model :-  When you need to build compelling assets quickly, you need a collaboration process engineered to keep things moving. This requires one place to share drafts, gather feedback and collect approvals. With DAM system, you can streamline workflows and communication throughout the creative process while keeping everyone in the loop.
  • Connect your Enterprise :-  DAM system connects different platforms to help you save time. Whether you need to access assets stored in platforms like Box or Dropbox, push content to your website and social channels or manage a project that spans your entire enterprise, a digital asset management system is the hub that connects your digital assets to everyone and everything.
  • Control your Brand Narrative :-  Brand Connect helps you maintain consistency across every marketing channel. Publish brand guidelines, approved templates, fonts, colors and more while ensuring employees, partners and distributors all have access to everything they need to present your brand the way you intended.

The above mentioned capabilities and advantages make a strong case for all medium to large brands and retailers to start investing in a digital asset management solution for all their digital assets. This will give them benefits in the long run when they grow and keep on adding more products and related media.


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