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3 SEO activities you need to stop TODAY!

So here's a list of top 3 SEO activities that seriously need to be stopped asap.


1. Forceful Social Bookmarking – Social Bookmarking is, according to me, the most widely exploited off-page SEO technique in the history of online marketing so far. No kidding. There are agencies which build you over a 1000 links every day on poor old or or any other “Top 20 Social Bookmarking sites” as they like to popularly call it. Just stop. For the love of God and every soul which once loved Stumble Upon or Tumblr or whatever, but today, finds them irrevocably polluted. Brotha, you’ve gotta stop. These links hardly get you any traffic and as far as “SBM helps crawl pages faster”, I’d say – “Are you living in the 90s?” Okay, 20 years is a big deal in online stratum and you know it.

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Understanding Website Taxonomy

Understanding Website Taxonomy

This presentation depicts the importance of taxonomy for any e-commerce website and its impact on user behavior & experience. It also exhibits key challenges for any online retailer in designing taxonomy for his/her website.

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How do I do SEO in 2014?

seo-is-not-deadUndoubtedly, the hottest query among everyone remotely associated with the online marketing segment remains “Is SEO dead?” Yes, it is.

Well, traditional-off page-gray hat-build 1000 links-SEO is dead, for sure. Having said that, on page SEO is still the boss. Obviously, because it involves implementing quality content on your website, seeding relevant keywords (seeding, not stuffing), properly interlinking your website for a smooth user experience and taking care of the hygiene HTML (geeky stuff).

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Part 1: Hummingbird for the la(z)y Marketer

Any new change in Google’s search algorithm and the SEO community goes on an over drive with endless debates on what the change could mean, and its impact on rankings and strategies. The Hummingbird change was however, different. Google implemented the change a month before the announcement catching the community off guard, and especially so as there didn’t seem to be any perceptible difference in ranks till now.

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T-Commerce – The next revolution in Omni-Retail

The invention of internet mobility has significantly changed the shopping pattern. Nowadays, it is possible to compare products and prices at the touch of a button. The consumers are more knowledgeable these days as they are always connected through their mobility devices. Due to this, there has been an increase in the expectations related to shopping choices, product availability and consumer experience. A survey was conducted recently which showed that 73% of the consumers believed they were more informed than the salesman in the stores.

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Iksula participates in 9th Annual IRCE at Chicago

IRCE is known to be the largest e-commerce event all over the world since 2008. This year we attended the IRCE 13' event which was held in Chicago and saw double the attendance seen at any of the other e-commerce events. The event is attended by over 220 speakers of which most notable ones include Google's Al gore, Hiroshi Mikitani of Rakuten, Gian Fulgoni of Comscore and Mindy Grossman of HSC Inc.

Iksula at IRCE'13

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