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Magento 2.0 – Important Facts To Know

Magento 2.0 is the most recommended e-commerce platform now that is used worldwide for developing e-commerce sites or online stores. There are several reasons that make this platform so popular among businesses interested in setting up an e-store. Here we present you some of the coolest facts about Magento 2.0 –

  1. Compatibility with modern techs – Magento 2.0 will support modern technologies which include modern PHP versions (5.4 or above), HTML5, CSS3, MySQL (5.6 or higher), etc. Also, the new version of this e-commerce platform will use J-Query library by default in place of prototype.js. Furthermore, it will support modern coding standards as well.
  1. Easy to customize – The Magento 2.0 development team has simplified the customization process. For this purpose, they have made the following changes in the new Magento release:
  • The god class of Magento 1 called as “Mage” won’t be a part of Magento 2.0. This change has been introduced to reduce the complexity of the code.
  • The latest version incorporates a modularized search interface, enabling developers to customize search functions easily.
  • Magento 2.0 will support XML validation, helping developers to evaluate whether their XML code adheres to specific rules and structures or not.
  • Magento 2 includes multilevel theme inheritance.
  1. The best test-friendly platform – Another benefit that comes along with this latest version is that you will get due to the elimination of the Mage god class; you will be able to test the code in a relatively easy manner. What’s more? The new Magento version will let you perform the following:
  • Unit Tests
  • JavaScript Unit Tests
  • Performance Tests
  • Legacy and Migration Tests and more
  1. Improved performance and scalability – You can expect to see a lot more improvements in the upcoming Magento version:
  • The support for full-page cache, including Varnish and Redis will be made available.
  • New indexers will be introduced that contains the same functionality just like the previous Magento enterprise versions. Also, the indexers will be improved in terms of delivering faster query performance.
  • Developers will have the ability to create multiple admin users in here.
  1. Front end development is easier now –With the introduction of less CSS preprocessor and modern HTML5-powered themes, the developers will be able to modify the look and functionality of the Magento 2.0 enabled sites without much hassle. This will prove a big benefit to the novice developers.
  1. Lesser up-gradation costs and efforts – In the Magento 2.0 version, you will find making the core Magento software and extensions up-to-date a lot easier, because of the reduced upgrade costs and efforts. Additionally, you’ll be provided with relevant information needed to make your upgrades compatible with the latest Magento versions.

Looking to build, improve or upgrade your Magento web store to version 2.0? Drop in your requirements here.


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